What is an Automobile Accident Injury?

Automobile accidents are one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States. While many injuries will present themselves immediately, there are often injuries that go unnoticed for weeks or even months after a car accident. Some of the most common injuries following an auto accident are whiplash, concussion, herniated discs, and back pain. 

Signs and Symptoms of an Auto Injury

If you’ve recently been in an auto accident and think you may have been injured, there are several signs and symptoms that you can look out for. If at any time after an accident, you notice or feel numbness in your arm or leg, or have severe neck or head pain, you should seek medical attention — these symptoms could indicate a more serious injury, such as a stroke or internal bleeding. 

Other symptoms, including headaches, hearing loss, vertigo, or soreness in the neck and/or back could also indicate an underlying injury. While some of these symptoms may fade on their own, pain and soreness in the neck or spine suggest injury to the upper cervical spine and can lead to chronic pain and secondary health problems further down the line.

How Auto Injuries Affect the Upper Cervical Spine 

Misalignment in the upper cervical spine is common amongst patients who’ve experienced whiplash from their auto accident. The action of suddenly stopping will ‘whip’ the upper body forward, resulting in one or more vertebrae in the upper cervical spine shifting out of alignment. This misalignment can impede communication between the spinal cord, the nervous system, and the brain. 

Left untreated, this can result in a wide range of secondary health issues, from vertigo to chronic back pain. If you know you’ve experienced whiplash during your accident or you’re struggling with ongoing auto accident symptoms, it’s important that you speak with an upper cervical expert as soon as possible. 

How Our Auto Injury Treatment Works

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a non-invasive, gentle alternative treatment method that focuses on realigning the upper cervical spine, removing pressure and interference from the spinal cord, and restoring proper function to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. 

If you’re suffering from the ongoing effects of an auto accident, a Blair Chiropractic chiropractor can get to the root of the problem. During your appointment, the upper cervical chiropractor will create an individualized plan to identify the cause of your symptoms, locate the primary area of concern, and adjust your upper cervical spine to remove any pressure or inflammation around the affected area. 

This process typically involves the use of digital X-rays and/or cone-beam computed tomography scans. Once the problem area has been identified, the Blair Chiropractic chiropractor will use gentle, low-force manipulation techniques to realign the upper cervical spine, relaxing stressed muscle groups and removing excess pressure on the brainstem and spinal cord.

Author: admin