What are Ear Problems and How Do They Relate to the Neck?

Ear problems is an umbrella term for an assortment of conditions that disrupt the function of the inner ear. While external ailments, such as swimmer’s ear, are often the culprit of ear issues, persistent ear problems may be indicative of a misalignment in the vertebrae of the upper cervical spine. 

Individuals suffering from spine-related ear problems can experience a range of different symptoms, including tinnitus, loss of hearing, vertigo, balance or coordination issues, aural fullness (feeling as though the ear is blocked or full), frequent headaches, nausea, and vomiting. 

Experiencing these symptoms frequently, particularly repeated bouts of vertigo or ear ringing, could indicate a more serious underlying condition called Meniere’s Disease. This is a chronic disorder that affects both balance and inner ear function.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Ear Problems 

Unsurprisingly, very few people realize that there is a relationship between issues in the upper cervical spine and problems in the inner ear. As a matter of fact, these two areas are very closely linked, with vertebral misalignments in the upper cervical spine often directly impacting the function of the eustachian tubes and inner ear. 

For example, when one or more vertebrae in the upper cervical spine are out of alignment, the resulting inflammation will often aggravate the autonomic nervous system and its peripheral nerves. Left untreated, this inflammation can cause irregular flexion in the eustachian tubes (canals connecting the middle ear to the nasal-sinus cavity), leading to swelling, fluid blockages, aching ears, and chronic infections.    

How Our Treatment Works for Ear Problems

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a painless, non-invasive form of chiropractic treatment. Using gentle, low-force adjustment techniques, misalignments in the upper cervical spine can be corrected, relieving pressure in the eustachian tubes, and easing the signs and symptoms associated with ear problems. 

During an upper cervical chiropractic appointment, a Blair Chiropractic Technique chiropractor will create an individualized treatment plan to determine the exact location of any upper cervical misalignments in your spine. Before your treatment can begin, the chiropractor may need to perform a cone-beam computed tomography scan and/or digital X-ray to locate the primary area of concern. 

Once any misalignments have been identified, the Blair Chiropractic Technique chiropractor will use a series of gentle and precise adjustment techniques to realign the upper cervical vertebrae, restoring the natural structure of the spinal column and alleviating the effects of inflammation upon the eustachian tubes and inner ear. 

Author: admin