What is a Migraine?

Not to be confused with a regular headache, a migraine causes severe, throbbing pain in the head (usually in one side of the brain). The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they are believed to be caused by abnormal brain activity that interrupts nerve signals, alters brain chemistry, and dilates blood vessels. Migraines can be triggered by any number of things, including hormonal changes, certain foods, stress, or exercise.

Signs and Symptoms of Migraines

Every individual who suffers from migraines will experience their symptoms differently, particularly due to the vast amount of environmental and chemical triggers. Migraine symptoms frequently include throbbing in one side of the head, light and noise sensitivity, stiff neck, and feelings of anxiety. 

Some individuals will experience visual symptoms known as an aura right before the onset of a migraine. An aura can look like seeing bright white spots, flashing lights, moving lines in the field of vision, or even a complete temporary loss of vision. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Migraines

There is growing evidence linking the onset of migraines to dysfunction in the upper cervical spine. When one or more vertebrae in the upper cervical spine are misaligned, it can lead to compressing or pinching of a craniofacial nerve branch called the trigeminal nerve. Left untreated, this irritation can cause the trigeminal nerve to malfunction, sending abnormal signals to the brain, which can trigger the onset of a migraine.

How Our Natural Migraine Treatment Works 

By restoring function to the upper cervical spine, migraines can be treated at the source. Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is a type of chiropractic treatment that aims to improve the health and function of the upper cervical spine. 

When treating patients with migraines, Blair Chiropractic specialists will first examine the upper cervical spine to identify whether a spinal misalignment could be causing your migraine episodes. This process typically involves the use of advanced diagnostic tools like X-rays and cone-beam computed tomography scans. 

Following this, your Blair Chiropractic specialist will present a treatment plan; this plan will not address the root cause of your migraines, but it will also assist in managing symptoms whilst you’re still adjusting to your treatment. To correct misalignments in the upper cervical spine, a Blair practitioner will perform a series of gentle manipulation techniques to restore vertebrae to their natural position. This process is painless and doesn’t involve any of the painful twisting or cracking usually associated with chiropractic treatment.

Author: admin