What is Poor Posture?

Poor posture is defined as any alignment of the body other than what is considered “normal” or “ideal.” The majority of poor posture cases are the result of muscle imbalances. These imbalances can be caused by a number of factors, but are most often the result of poor ergonomics, repetitive motions, and vertebral injuries. 

Because their musculoskeletal system is still developing, your child’s posture can be easily influenced by things like extended periods of time spent sitting or standing in the same position, carrying heavy backpacks, or slouching. If poor posture is not remedied during childhood, it can lead to serious problems later in life, including back pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, and degenerative joint diseases.

Signs and Symptoms of Poor Posture 

The most obvious symptoms of poor posture are hunching, rounded shoulders, and a forward tilt of the head. If you want to catch poor posture before it becomes a more serious issue, you should look out for the following signs in your child: a rounded upper back, a persistent tilt to the head, and inward or outward turning of the feet.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Poor Posture 

A vertebral misalignment in the upper cervical spine is a common culprit of poor posture, especially in children. The upper cervical spine is comprised of a set of seven stacked vertebrae at the top of the spine. A misalignment in this area can easily go undetected because it does not always result in pain or other symptoms. However, even a minor misalignment can lead to the development of muscle imbalances and nerve issues. If these imbalances are left untreated, the muscles in the neck and upper back will lengthen and contract to compensate, causing or exacerbating hunching, rounding, and other postural defects.  

How Our Treatment Can Address Poor Posture Before It Becomes an Issue 

Early intervention is key to preventing poor posture from becoming a long-term problem for your child. Blair Chiropractic care is a natural, low-force treatment option for correcting vertebral misalignments before they lead to more serious issues. 

To address poor posture, Blair practitioners will first use a series of diagnostic tests to examine your child’s spine and check for vertebral misalignments. This process typically involves the use of advanced, non-invasive tools like digital X-rays and cone-beam computed tomography scans. 

If a misalignment is detected, your Blair Chiropractic specialist will employ a series of precise adjustment techniques to coax the affected vertebrae back into their natural position, restoring alignment to the spinal column and re-engaging the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Unlike other forms of chiropractic care, Blair Chiropractic specialists will never use techniques that involve painful cracking, popping, or twisting of the spine. 

Author: admin