What is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?

Upper cervical chiropractic is a specialized form of chiropractic care that emphasizes the proper alignment of the uppermost section of the spinal column. This type of chiropractic care is a gentle and non-invasive way to manage a child’s spinal issues. It is especially beneficial for children who are too young, or too sensitive, to benefit from traditional chiropractic adjustments. 

The Blair technique is an example of upper cervical care that is highly effective in helping children with a range of conditions, including chronic pain, fatigue, and nerve disorders. Through precise diagnostic imaging and gentle adjustments, the Blair technique can help your child achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Signs and Symptoms of Chiropractic Problems in Kids

Chiropractic issues aren’t always obvious and can manifest in any number of ways in young children. Some potential signs of chiropractic problems in kids include ADHD, breathing difficulties, sleep trouble, sinus infections, swollen tonsils, lower back pain, TMJ, low immunity, dizziness, digestive issues, low energy, depression, coordination issues, and consistent ear infections. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Chiropractic Problems in Kids

The upper cervical spine plays a key role in childhood health, particularly throughout their developmental years. Not only does the upper cervical spine support musculoskeletal growth and function, but it is also pivotal for healthy neurological development.  

As any parent understands, children will likely experience multiple bumps, accidents, and injuries as they grow. Unfortunately, their susceptibility to injury also means they’re more likely to suffer from misalignments in the upper cervical spine. This is due to their underdeveloped spinal column. When your child is growing and their bones are constantly changing, seemingly insignificant vertebral misalignments can trigger serious physical and neurological issues down the line. 

To avoid long-term problems, it is important that your child has regular appointments with a Blair Chiropractic specialist. Regular appointments can guarantee that the upper cervical spine remains properly aligned throughout your child’s crucial developmental years.

How Our Natural Treatment Works in Kids

In the past, traditional chiropractic treatment has not been optimal for young children due to the sometimes-uncomfortable sensation of a chiropractic adjustment. Fortunately, the Blair Chiropractic Technique has made upper cervical chiropractic care a safe, gentle, and non-invasive treatment option for children. 

During your initial consultation with a Blair Chiropractic specialist, your practitioner will begin by having a detailed discussion with you and your child to determine the issue, possible symptoms, and potential causes. Your child’s medical history will also be reviewed and taken into consideration during treatment. 

To provide a more accurate diagnosis, your practitioner will likely perform a series of specialized diagnostic tests, such as a cone-beam computed tomography scan or X-rays. These tools provide your practitioner with an in-depth model of your child’s upper cervical spine, allowing them to pinpoint the exact angle and location of any vertebral misalignments.

If upper cervical misalignment is detected, your practitioner will create a specialized treatment plan for your child. As each spine is different, these treatment plans take your child’s unique anatomy into consideration. Following this, your practitioner will perform a series of precise, low-force adjustments to the upper cervical spine. By restoring natural alignment to this key region, your child’s symptoms should begin to ease and local inflammation should be reduced. Over time, regular adjustments will promote long-term physical and neurological health for your child as they continue to grow into adulthood. 

Author: admin