What is Scoliosis in Children?

Scoliosis is a spinal disorder that causes abnormal curvature of the spine. In children, it is typically diagnosed during the adolescent growth spurt, although some cases can be severe enough to detect at a much younger age. In mild cases, scoliosis may not require any treatment, but in more severe cases, early treatment can be critical to prevent further spinal deformation and potential health complications.

Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis in Children

The most prominent symptom of scoliosis is abnormal sideways curvature along the spinal column. Other common symptoms of the condition include uneven shoulders or hips, an uneven waist, a prominent shoulder blade, leaning to one side, and chronic back pain. Children with scoliosis may also experience difficulty breathing or fatigue due to the pressure on their lungs and heart caused by the curvature of the spine. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Scoliosis in Children

The upper cervical spine is the uppermost segment of the spinal column. Comprised of seven vertebrae, the upper cervical spine plays a crucial role in maintaining proper balance and alignment of the body. Proper alignment of the upper cervical spine is especially important during childhood and adolescence when the spine is still developing.

If one or more of these vertebrae are misaligned during this developmental period, the resulting imbalances can disrupt the natural curvature and rotation of the spine. As the body attempts to compensate for these misalignment-induced imbalances, the spine can develop the abnormal twists and curves characteristic of scoliosis.

How Our Natural Treatment Works 

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a gentle and effective treatment option for scoliosis in children. This specialized form of chiropractic care targets misalignments in the upper cervical spine that contribute to imbalances in the rest of the spine. By gently realigning these vertebrae, upper cervical chiropractic care allows the body to regain its proper balance and alignment, which can alleviate spinal curvature and relieve symptoms associated with scoliosis. Unlike traditional medical treatments for scoliosis, which may involve bracing or surgery, upper cervical chiropractic care is non-invasive and drug-free, making it a safer and more natural alternative for children.

The Blair Chiropractic Technique is one form of upper cervical chiropractic care that has shown promising results in treating scoliosis in children. Your first appointment with a Blair Chiropractic specialist will involve a thorough examination and assessment of your child’s spine to identify any misalignments in the upper cervical spine. From there, your chiropractor will employ a suite of advanced diagnostic tools, such as cone-beam computed tomography scans, to pinpoint the exact location of vertebral misalignments and precisely measure the extent of spinal curvature.

If a misalignment is detected, your chiropractor will perform a series of low-force, non-invasive adjustments to correct the misaligned vertebrae. These adjustments are gentle and painless, with no popping or cracking of the spine.

Author: admin