Upper cervical chiropractic adjustments focus on the delicate and essential area where the spine meets the skull. Targeting this region can provide relief from various ailments, from headaches and neck pain to more complex neurological issues. While receiving an adjustment from a trained chiropractor can offer immediate benefits, there are steps you can take to prolong and enhance these effects. Here’s a detailed guide on how to extend the benefits of upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. 

Follow Your Chiropractor’s Advice

  • Routine Adjustments: Your chiropractor might recommend regular adjustments to maintain alignment, especially in the initial stages.
  • Specific Exercises or Stretches: If given, ensure you integrate these into your routine.

Maintain Proper Posture

  • Mind Your Sitting Habits: Avoid slouching when sitting. Ensure your workstation is ergonomically designed, keeping your computer monitor at eye level and using a chair that supports the natural curve of your spine.
  • Walking and Standing: Keep your head up, shoulders back, and avoid looking down at your phone for prolonged periods.

Sleep Position and Quality

  • Choose the Right Pillow: Your pillow should support the natural curve of your neck. There are pillows specifically designed for those who’ve had cervical adjustments.
  • Sleeping Position: Sleeping on your back is generally the best position for maintaining cervical alignment. If you’re a side sleeper, ensure your neck isn’t tilting in either direction.

Manage Stress

Stress can manifest physically, particularly in the neck and shoulder area. Techniques such as:

  • Meditation and Deep Breathing: These can reduce tension, helping to maintain the benefits of your adjustment.
  • Regular Breaks: If working for long periods, ensure you take regular breaks to move around and stretch.


  • Drink Water: Keeping hydrated helps maintain soft tissue elasticity and fluidity in the joints. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Limit Heavy Lifting

  • Use Proper Techniques: If you must lift, ensure you use your legs and not your back and neck. Keep the item close to your body.
  • Reduce Frequency: Limit the frequency of heavy lifting, and when possible, use tools or machinery to assist.

Maximizing and extending the benefits of upper cervical chiropractic adjustments require an integrated approach that melds professional care with daily habits. By incorporating these suggestions into your routine, you can enjoy the prolonged effects of your adjustments, ensuring better spinal health and overall well-being.

How The Blair Technique Can Help with Your Condition

The Blair Chiropractic Method provides a precise, gentle, and effective upper cervical chiropractic method showcasing effectiveness for numerous conditions. During your first visit with a Blair Chiropractic professional, a comprehensive evaluation of your cervical spine will be undertaken to pinpoint any misalignments that might be affecting your health. State-of-the-art diagnostic instruments, including digital X-rays or cone-beam CT scans, will be utilized to obtain a precise image of your upper cervical region. 

Once the source of the misalignment is identified, your chiropractor will employ delicate, precise adjustments to correct the positioning of the vertebrae. These adjustments are non-invasive and lack the familiar popping sounds. Many patients note a marked reduction in their symptoms following the restoration of their upper cervical spine’s natural alignment. 

If your condition is getting in the way of your day-to-day life, contact a Blair Chiropractic specialist in your area

Author: admin