Initially, physical trauma is the cause of Upper Cervical Subluxation. Most patients have a history of a fall, whiplash, concussion, or other forms of head and neck trauma. Trauma can be broadly divided into two forms:

  • Macro-trauma – significant one-time injuries (car accidents, sports injuries, hard falls jolting the spine
  • Micro-trauma – small repetitive stresses (poor posture, ergonomics, repetitive work activities

Many patients have a history of macro-traumas that are intensified over time by daily micro-traumas. In the early phases of Upper Cervical Subluxation, many patients do not feel symptoms. However, a wide range of symptoms are likely to develop when the spine continues to carry stress over time.

Patients who are under Blair Chiropractic care are more likely to need re-adjusted in the early stages of care. Over time as the spine is stabilized and strengthened,adjustments hold for longer durations.