When you think of a child’s health and well-being, neck issues may normally be the furthest from one’s mind, though, in today’s world of technology, this has become a very common issue. Now, kids have access to laptops, smartphones, tablets, and more, which all cause mild to serious neck issues in adults, so imagine what it can do to a child’s delicate neck and spine. 

Fortunately, there is a solution to text neck in kids, and that is upper cervical chiropractic, specifically utilizing the Blair Technique. This condition is treatable by realigning the upper cervical spine through gentle and precise movements. 

The Telltale Signs and Symptoms of Text Neck in Kids

Some of the most common signs and symptoms that your child is experiencing text neck are neck, shoulder, and upper back pain, as well as frequent headaches. Additionally, if you notice that your child has a more forward-facing head posture, that could be a sign of text neck. 

There are things that you can do to help alleviate some of these symptoms such as less usage of smartphones, tablets, and laptops. And taking periodic breaks when using these devices will certainly help ease up text neck symptoms. 

Text Neck Affects The Upper Cervical Spine 

Spending endless hours viewing videos on a tablet or playing video games on a smartphone, the hunched-over posture and head cocked down wear on the upper cervical spine and thus neck issues start to occur. As well, in this day and age, kids do a lot of their homework on laptops, which also adds to the issue if there is not a proper ergonomic set-up in place. 

Treating Kids’ Text Neck with The Blair Technique

The Blair Chiropractic Technique was developed by Dr. William Blair in 1961 and it is practiced by specially trained chiropractors nationwide. This method of chiropractic has truly redefined the way that people view chiropractic care, as it is a gentle, precise, and effective technique. 

First, you can find a Blair Chiropractic practitioner near you by viewing our Find A Blair Chiropractor section here on our website. During your first appointment, the upper cervical chiropractor will conduct a comprehensive examination which will include 3D Upper Cervical Imaging. 

This diagnostic process provides the doctor with a complete understanding of the state of your child’s spine and whether or not they have an Upper Cervical Subluxation, which is a vertebral neck misalignment. And the Blair Chiropractic practitioner is then able to gently realign the upper cervical spine thus alleviating symptoms associated with your child’s text neck.

Author: admin