Fibromyalgia Doctor

Fibromyalgia pain – Are there any alternatives?

Most patients with the acute pains of fibromyalgia consult physicians for assistance. Though a lot of patients utilize chiropractors and other alternative approaches, many continue to use analgesics (pain medications) to get daily relief. There is an alternative called Blair upper Cervical Care that has been found to be successful in helping fibromyalgia sufferers manage their condition naturally.

Immune System and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is often categorized as a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning the causes are unknown and a diagnosis is often reach once all other options have been explored and ruled out. In its clinical presentation, FM is described as a central sensitivity syndrome with hallmark symptoms related to abnormal processing of the central nervous system.

Fibromyalgia Eye Problems

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain based syndrome that affects patient’s tendon, muscle, and skeletal functions today, can actually work its way into the eye, creating what are known as fibromyalgia eye problems. When we think of fibromyalgia, we don’t need to think of the sensory organs, instead focusing on the discomfort that comes with movement and activity.

Fibromyalgia Relief

Fibromyalgia Relief Fibromyalgia and other systemic pain conditions can prove very difficult to deal with and may significantly impact the quality of one’s life. This particular condition primarily presents with pain all over the [Read more...]

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