What Is Knee Pain?

Knee pain is a common condition that can range from mildly annoying to completely debilitating. Generally used as an umbrella term for any pain experienced in the knee joint or the tissue around the knee, knee pain can be caused by a range of different factors, including sporting injuries or an inactive lifestyle. Another often-overlooked cause of knee pain is a vertebral misalignment in the upper cervical spine. 

Signs and Symptoms of Knee Pain

The most obvious symptom of knee pain is feeling a sharp or aching pain in or around the knee. However, the symptoms and their severity will differ depending on the cause of the pain. Some commonly experienced symptoms include a dull or shooting pain in the knee and in the leg, an inability to bear weight on the knee, swelling around the knee, reduced range of motion in the knee or lower leg, and a popping or crunching sound when moving the knee. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Knee Pain

While it may seem unusual for the upper cervical spine to affect the knee, it becomes easier to understand when you recognize the role the upper cervical spine has in facilitating function in the lower body. If an individual experiences a misalignment in the upper cervical spine, it can have a cascading effect on the lower spine and the musculoskeletal structures of the torso and hips. 

If a misaligned vertebra is placing added pressure on a nerve or the muscles of the upper back, it can result in overcompensation from other muscles and nerves in the lower back and in the legs. Over time, these muscles and nerves can become inflamed and compressed, leading to dysfunction, pain, and mobility issues in and around the knee.  

How our Knee Pain Treatment Works 

Most modern medical treatments for knee pain rely heavily on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to manage pain. Blair Chiropractic care is a natural treatment method that aims to get to the root cause of your knee pain, rather than simply treating the symptoms.  

The Blair Chiropractic technique involves making small, precise adjustments to the upper cervical spine to restore function to the spinal column and the surrounding nerves and muscles. When it comes to treating knee pain, your Blair Chiropractic specialist will firstly examine your upper cervical spine to pinpoint any vertebral misalignments that could be underpinning the issue. This process typically involves the use of X-rays and cone-beam computed tomography scans alongside traditional examination techniques to determine the precise location of any misalignments.  

If a misalignment is detected, your specialist will create a customized treatment plan to address the area of concern. Treatment generally involves the use of low-force, non-invasive correction techniques to push the vertebrae back into natural position alignment. You can rest assured that this entire process is completely painless, so you won’t experience any painful cracking, twisting, or popping during treatment.

Author: admin