Search results for: post concussion

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WHAT IS TINNITUS? If you have ever experienced an aggravating high-pitched ringing or buzzing in your ear then you know what tinnitus is, and how it can negatively impact your quality of [Read more...]


WHAT IS VERTIGO? Vertigo symptoms generally include a sensation of “the world spinning uncontrollably.” Often times during a vertigo spell people will lay down on the floor to alleviate the feeling of spinning [Read more...]

What can cause me to lose my alignment?

Initially, physical trauma is the cause of Upper Cervical Subluxation. Most patients have a history of a fall, whiplash, concussion, or other forms of head and neck trauma. Trauma can be broadly divided into [Read more...]


Outcomes of The Blair Technique include: Pain relief Prevention of future pain Improved posture Increased energy Improved cognitive performance Return to hobbies and daily activities without limitations Minimized symptoms from spinal degeneration Better Sleep [Read more...]


Blair Society Upper Cervical Research Gems Woodfield, H. C., 3rd, York, C., Rochester, R. P., Bales, S., Beebe, M., Salminen, B., & Scholten, J. N. (2015). Craniocervical chiropractic procedures - a précis of upper [Read more...]

Common Conditions

CONDITIONS THAT RESPOND TO THE BLAIR TECHNIQUE The following conditions commonly respond favorably to the Blair Chiropractic Technique: MENIERE'S DISEASE Click Here To Learn More VERTIGO [Read more...]

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